ENG 231:  Midterm Take-Home Essay Question

Directions:  Write an answer in response to one (1) of the following questions.  Begin your answer with a general statement that answers the question.  Support this statement with examples from the text(s) under discussion and analysis of each example (Support your assertions with evidence from the text.  Be sure to cite quoted lines).   Provide historical context.  Write in complete sentences, shaping your response in essay form.  Write the letter of the question you answer at the beginning of your response.  All answers should be typed and double-spaced (600-750 words).

A.Some very important themes evolved from the Native American Oral Narratives that we read earlier in the semester, and as we later learned, the Native American  views of the world as represented in those mythologies contrasted sharply with the Euro-American and Anglo-American perspectives that we later read.  Using one Native American creation story and two Colonial Period or Puritan texts, identify the fundamental differences between the Native Americans and these groups and explain how these cultural differences are reflected in the literature of the period.

B.Identify and discuss three texts that reveal stresses on Puritanism or that illustrate schisms within Puritan and Colonial consciousness.

C.Write an essay comparing William Bradford, Thomas Morton, and John Winthrop as literary stylists.  What are the stylistic qualities that Morton the odd man out in this group? How can we differentiate Bradford and Winthrop from each other as Puritan writers?