ILS 4320:  Topic Proposal for Group Project, Race and the Idea of Monstrosity

First carefully read the instructions for the group project.

The begin to formulate your ideas for the proposal. While the proposal itself is only 5 paragraphs, it requires a great deal of thought, planning, and the synthesizing of ideas.

The topic proposal is your group's written commitment to me to a specific focus for the group project this term.  

Choosing an appropriate subject is a critical step in the success of your  project. It can be also one of the more difficult steps. So plan to allot a few days to consider ideas, investigate availability of relevant materials, and get feedback from instructor and to review the research you've gathered about the historical period related to your film.  If you need assistance locating library resources, please contact a librarian.

Your proposal  should be 5 detailed paragraphs that respond to the following five items (one idea per paragraph ):

PARAGRAPH 1.  Explain which modern film you are comparing to Mary Shelley's Frankentstein 1994, how these relate to Bennedetti's article and ideas about the monstrous, and underlying messages about race, gender, class, and/or sexual identity.  What is a significant similarity or difference between the two films, what does it reveal about cultural messages of race, gender, class, and/or sexual identity, and how is it connected to the historical moment in which your modern choice of film appeared?

NOTE:  WRITE THIS OUT IN ONE SENTENCE.  THIS IS YOUR "WORKING" CLAIM.  It will, however, likely change as your read the sources that you find and discuss them in your group and continue to discuss various examples in each film.

PARAGRAPH 2:  Name three examples from each film that you can use to prove that you working claim is true?  Explain.

PARAGRAPH 3.  What does each of these examples reveal about the idea of the monstrous and each film's cultural messages related to race, gender, class, and/or sexual identity?

​PARAGRAPH  4. What do you feel may be most challenging for you in this project

PARAGRAPH 5: Explain your plan for managing these challenges and sharing  the work load in your group and for ensuring that each group member actively contributes to the project.  Be specific.  Will you have a "project manager?"  What are the tentative goals for each of the days of this project? Show me your plan.

Be sure that your proposal is typed, double-spaced, & Times New Roman Font, 12 point.

The completed proposal must be submitted to ULEARN.


This is how your proposal will be graded:

Total Points:  5/
The content of each paragraph is worth 1 point.

Grading Scale

A    5
B    4
C    3 
D    2 
F    0-1