Midterm Course Evaluation
COURSE ________________ SECTION _______ SEMESTER ____________
You’ve made it to the midpoint of the term. You have taken several quizzes, conducted some library research, and written some papers. You may have spoken in class and have taken part in class discussions. You have a pretty good idea of how you feel about the course. Please critique my teaching methods and the class. This will help me plan the remainder of the semester so that it will better meet your needs. Feel free to express your true feelings, as I will weigh your comments and adjust my teaching as necessary. Please do no place your name on this evaluation. Print a copy and bring this to class.
Explain what you like and/or dislike about this class and/or the
assignments. Give specific suggestions for improvement if you are
Is the classroom a comfortable learning environment and do you feel
comfortable asking questions during or after class, by text, or during
office hours? Offer suggestions for improvement if appropriate.
3. How do you feel about the use of SmartThinking tutors in the course? How often did you submit papers to the tutors? Did you find their feedback helpful? What specifically did you like or dislike about SmartThinking? Was creating your revision plan after receiving your first SmartThinking report helpful, why or why not?
4. Do you like how Blackboard is integrated into the course? Do you like
submitting assignments electronically (essays and journals)? What
changes might you make to this process? Why?
Does the assignment sequence make sense? Do you feel you
understand each assignment? Give specific suggestions for
improvement if you are dissatisfied.
Am I sufficiently available (before or after class, by email, or text/phone) to
answer your questions? Do you wish I would be more explicit in any of
my directions? Tell me how I can improve in this area. Have you contacted me via email, text, phone, during office hours, or made an appointment for a conference this term?
Do you feel as if you are learning anything? In what areas do you think you have improved, if any?
Do you feel as if you are wasting time in this class? Why or why not? Give specific suggestions for improvement if you are dissatisfied.
I use many teaching methods in both in and outside of class and use a
wide variety of activities to engage students with the course content
(blogging, group work/discussion, reading of novels, recorded
video lectures, completing invention work for essays, peer critique, brief
in-class lectures/reviews, etc. What activities do you like most and/or wish there were more of? What activities do you dislike? Why? What changes, if any, would you suggest? Please be specific.
Please comment on anything I have not covered in the above questions.