Setting Up Your Blog

1.    Go to
2.  Click "Get Started" in the upper-right corner.
3.  Click "Education."
4.  Click "a list of my latest posts."
5. Select a theme of your choice.
6.  Choose the name you would like to give your blog (no spaces).  Enter a domain or keyword. This is the Web address that you would like others to use to reach your page (for instance, something 
  NJskateboarder or NCyogi). Enter the domain you would like to use and  then click "enter." Wordpress will let you know if the address is available. If not, you will need to try something else. 
7. Select the free option that ends with
8.  Select the free plan.
9.  Create your account. Enter your JWU email address (or an email address that you use regularly).  Make note of the address you use for later reference.
7.    Select a username of your choosing.  Make note of it for later reference.
8.    Create a password.  Make note of it for later reference.
9.  Click "Create My Account."
9.    Next, you will be prompted to verify your email address.  Log into the email account that you used in step 6 above and look for an email from Wordpress asking you to activate your account.
10.  Inside of this email, click the link labeled "Confirm Email Address."  If you don't confirm your account, you will not be able to log into Wordpress.
11. Once your email account has been confirmed, you will be prompted to login to Wordpress.  Log in using the email or username from steps 6 or 7 above and the password you created in step 8.
12.  At this point, you should be ready to create your first post.  We will do this in class at a later date.
13.  NOW, follow each of the steps below to email me the URL (Web address) to your blog. 

To do this, first log into your newly created Wordress account.  When you log in, you should see this page:

Next, click "My Site" in the upper-left corner of the page.  When you do, it will take you to this page:

In the upper-left corner of the page, just below "My Site," you will see "View Site" with a home icon next to it.  Click that.  This takes you to the visitor's view of your page.

At the top of the page, you will see where the Web address for your blog is located.  It begins:  https://
It should end with

Highlight this address as show in the photo.  Then type "CTRL" and "C" at the same time on your keyboard.  This is the copy function.  

Next, go into your JWU email.  Create a new message.  Type "Kenny Harmon" in the "To:" line.

In the Subject line, type the class for which you are registered and its meeting time (for example:  ENG 1020  TR 3:50-5:45).

Lastly,  move your cursor to the body of the email message and click "CTRL" and "V" at the same time. This is the copy function.  When you do this, the Web address to your blog should paste into the body of the email (see diagram below).  Finally just click "Send" to send your email to me.