ENG 1027  Honors Adv. Composition
Tentative Course Schedule
Spring 2024
MW 9:30-10:45, AC 532

Week 1    Week 2    Week 3    Week 4    Week 5    Week 6    Week 7    Week 8

Week 9    Week 10    Week 11    Week 12    Week 13    Week 14    Week 15    Week 16

NOTE:  This schedule may change as needed.  Your presence in class ensures correct assignments


Week 1
M 1/8               Intro to Course; Review the Rhetorical Situation; Purpose and Audience; 
                          Blog Post:  What is Argument?

                          HOMEWORK (Due 1/10):  
  •                 Review Syllabus and Complete quiz in Ulearn (see Week 1 folder)
  •                 Set up your blog; email Prof. Harmon web address to your page. 
  •                Go to the library's database, Opposing Viewpoints.  Explore some of the   
                          topics there that interest you. Locate one article that you'd like to examine
                          in more detail.  Carefully read it and annotate it and then do Reader 
                          Response 1.
  •                 Do Reader Response 1:  What is the author's overall claim?  It is directly 
                          stated or inferred? What is their strongest piece of evidence that supports  
                          their overall claim? What is the weakest? Why do you think so?  Is this 
                          author credible and is their a strong appeal to ethos?  Why or why not (do
                          research if necessary)?  Is there an appeal to pathos?  If so, is it strong or 
                          weak?  Why?  If there a strong or weak appeal to logos?  Why or why not?
                          Can you identify any logical fallacies here?
  •                 Bring 2 Discussion Questions to Class

W 1/10        Share Article Analysis with Class

                         HOMEWORK (Due 1/17): 

  •                Go to the library's database, Opposing Viewpoints. Explore some of the
                         topics there that interest you. Locate one article that you'd like to examine 
                         in more detail. Carefully read it and annotate it and then do Reader 
                         Response 2.  Article can be same topic as last class but doesn't have to be.
  •                 Do Reader Response 2: What is the author's overall claim? It is directly 
                         stated or inferred? What is their strongest piece of evidence that supports  
                         their overall claim? What is the weakest? Why do you think so? Is this 
                         author credible and is their a strong appeal to ethos? Why or why not (do
                         research if necessary)? Is there an appeal to pathos? If so, is it strong or 
                         weak? Why? If there a strong or weak appeal to logos? Why or why not?
                         Can you identify any logical fallacies here?
  •                Be prepared to present article content to class.

Week 2
M 1/15            NO CLASS, MLK DAY

W 1/17            Share Article Analysis with Class

                          HOMEWORK (Due 1/22):   
  •                 Go to the library's database, Opposing Viewpoints. Explore some of the 
                         topics there that interest you. Locate a third article that you'd like to 
                         examine in more detail. Carefully read it and annotate it and then do 
                         Reader Response 3. Article can be same topic as last class but doesn't have
                         to be.
  •                 Do Reader Response 3: What is the author's overall claim? It is 
                         directly stated or inferred? What is their strongest piece of evidence that 
                         supports their overall claim? What is the weakest? Why do you think so? Is 
                         this author credible and is their a strong appeal to ethos? Why or why not 
                         (do research if necessary)? Is there an appeal to pathos? If so, is it strong 
                         or  weak? Why? If there a strong or weak appeal to logos? Why or why not?
  •                 Submit to Ulearn: See Week 2 folder
  •                 Be prepared to present article content to class.

Week 3
 M 1/22           Intro to Annotated Bibliography and How to Use Databases

                          HOMEWORK (Due 1/24):

W 1/24             Research Topic Proposal Due; NO MEETING IN CLASSROOM;
                           Complete informal Rogerian assignment and post to your blog and 
                           complete discussion board in ulearn by 11:59pm on Friday, 1/26). 

                           HOMEWORK (Due 1/29):

Week 4
M 1/29             CLASS MEETS AT LIBRARY COMPUTER LAB; Time to gather sources?
                           Discuss Rogerian Assignment

                           HOMEWORK (Due 1/31):
  •                  Work on First Draft of Rogerian Letter

W 1/31            Invention Work and Organizing Ideas

                           HOMEWORK (Due 2/5):
  •                 First Draft of Rogerian Letter Due; Upload to Ulearn AND Submit to 
                         tutor.com; Draft must meet all minimum requirements

Week 5
M 2/5               First Version of Rogerian Letter Due;Why Critique? Critique Process; 

                          HOMEWORK (Due 2/7): 
  •                 Typed Peer Critique of Rogerian Letter (both parts); Submit BOTH PARTS
  •                 to Ulearn AS ONE MS WORD FILE
​                           feedback/report (overview and draft with comments) and your revision 
                         plan as ONE MS Word file to Ulearn in the Week 5 folder
  •                Continue to revise Essay 1

W 2/7            NO CLASS HARMON AT CONFERENCE; Complete Peer Critique with 
                        Partner & Work on Annotated Bibliography

                         HOMEWORK (Due 2/12):
  •                Revise Rogerian Letter
Week 6
M 2/12            Work day for Annotated Bibliography

                          HOMEWORK (Due 2/14):
  •                  Final Draft of Rogerian Letter Due with Reflection

W 2/14           Final Draft of Rogerian Letter Due with Reflection; Discuss Position Paper

                          HOMEWORK (Due 2/19):                                                  

                         overall claim? It is directly stated or inferred? What is their strongest 
                        piece of evidence? Is this author credible and is their a strong appeal to 
                         ethos? Why or why not? Is there an appeal to pathos? If so, is it strong 
                         or weak? Why? If there a strong or weak appeal to logos? Why or why not?
  •                Submit to ulearn
  •                Annotated Bibliography Due

Week 7
M 2/19          Annotated Bibliography due; Structuring the Evidence of Your Position

                         HOMEWORK (Due 2/21):  

W 2/21          Discussion (Structuring the Evidence of Position Paper); Rebutttal; 
                        Constraints; Backing

                         HOMEWORK (Due 2/26):
  •                Position Paper Outline due; Submit to Ulearn

Week 8
M 2/26          Discuss Outlines

                         HOMEWORK (Due 2/28):    
  •                First Draft of Position Paper due (min. 4 full pages no more than 6); 
                        Upload  to ulearn and to tutor.com

W 2/28           First Draft of Position Paper Due; Exchange for Peer Critique; Why 
                          Critique? Critique Process

                          HOMEWORK (Due 3/11):   
  •                 Complete Peer Critique of Partner's Essay (both parts as discussed in        
                          class); upload both steps to ulearn as one MS Word document.
                         Complete Tutor.com Report and Revision Plan


Week 9
M 3/11             Peer Critique, Position Paper; Conferences

                           HOMEWORK (Due 3/13):  
  •                   Revise Position Paper

W 3/13           Conferences

                          HOMEWORK (Due 3/18):  
  • ​                Final Draft of Position Paper due with Reflection

Week 10
​M 3/18           No Regular Class Meeting; Complete the folowing in Ulearn instead:
                         Watch Understanding MLA (part 1 and part 2) and complete Understanding 
                         MLA Notes (600 words min.) and Quiz in ulearn (week 10 folder); Due 
                         before 11:59pm TODAY

                          HOMEWORK (Due 3/20):   
  •                 Watch Most Common Citations part 1 and part 2
  •                 Complete MLA Notes (min. 600 words) and upload to ulearn 
  •                 Complete Most Common Citations Quiz

W 3/20           Group Work/Discussion: Practicing MLA

                          HOMEWORK (Due 3/25):   
  •                 Review example social media campaign (week 10 folder) and do Reader 
  •                 Response 5:
                         Who is the author's intended audience (think demographics, 
                         values/beliefs, etc.)? How do you know? What is the author's 
                         overall claim? It is directly stated or inferred? What is their strongest 
                         piece of evidence? Is this author credible and is their a strong appeal to 
                         ethos? Why or why not? Is there an appeal to pathos? If so, is it strong 
                         or weak? Why? If there a strong or weak appeal to logos? Why or why not?
  •                 Submit to ulearn

​Week 11               
M 3/25           
                         Final Draft of Position Paper due with Reflection; Reader Response 5 due 
                         by 11:59pm today;
                         Assign Groups; Set up
                         group documents and work on campaign proposal (choose a topic, choose a
                         specific audience, think about message of each post, order of each post, 
                         images that will be used, etc.); Discuss Social Media Campaign Assignment

                         HOMEWORK (Due 3/27):  

W 3/27           Continue to work on campaign proposal (message of each post, order of 
                          posts, images that will be used, etc.)

                           HOMEWORK (Due 4/1):  
  •                  Work on group project (individual weekend research):  Getting Started, 
                          Researching Other Groups (see Word doc in Week 11 folder and course 
                          announcement); Answer the 5 W's about the social media account you 
                          chose as an individual
  •                 Submit your answers to the questions about the invidual account that you
  •                 analyzed (week 11 folder): Getting Started:  Researching Other Groups (1 
  •                 full page up to 2 full pages)

Week 12  
M 4/1            Individual Research Due (Researching Other Groups); In-class workday for 
                       group project; Compare findings of similar or dissimilar groups and 
                      complete group audit (combine findings about all groups into one 
                      document);  In-class assignment:  what does your audit of other groups 
                      reveal?  Deliverable:  compile a group audit of the findings for the accounts
                      that your group analyzed (one MS Word document for the group) and upload
                       to ulearn (ONE COPY FOR GROUP).

                          HOMEWORK (Due 4/3):  
  •                Identify trends in social media around your client's public interest/social
                         justice issue (2nd bullet point page 3 of instructions) and answer questions 
                        (what was succcessful? what was lackluster or failed? and other questions 
                        at this bullet point); use library database sources as well as social media 
                       accounts as sources of research; each individual brings one full-page 
                       summary of data to class

W 4/3             Discuss social media trends and develop your target audience for your 
                         public event (is there more than one?); Where will your event be held? How
                        does your target audience alighn to various social media opportunities? 
                         These decision should be based on your data and findings thus far

                          HOMEWORK (Due 4/8): 
                          See 5 examples of psychographic characteristics. Develop 1 full-2 full page
                          explanation  for your intended audience.​
  •                Analyze Opposing Groups and Media Impact (you may have some of the
  •                info all ready, but should develop this further). Submit 1 full-2 full page 
  •                analysis
                          Submit Pscyhographic Traits and Opposing group analysis as one MS 
                        Word document (ONE COPY FOR GROUP)
  •               This completes   PHASE 1 RESEARCH PHASE

Week 13
M 4/8            Based on Research Findings and Audience Analysis, Begin Work on Phase 2, 
                        Planning Stage; Focus on first 6 bulleted questions (down to "which key 
                        messages would resonate with the target audience)

                          HOMEWORK (Due 4/10): 
  •                Complete 2 full page -3 full page summary of the first 6 questions;     
  •                upload ONE copy to ulearn for group

W 4/10          Work on Remaining Questions for Planning Phase (Budget and Scheduling)

                         HOMEWORK (Due 4/15):
  •               Answer remaining questions regarding budgeting and scheduling
  •               Complete 2 full page- 3 full pages summary of answers  and upload ONE  
  •               copy to ulearn for Group
  •               This completes Phase 2 Planning Phase

Week 14
M 4/15          Work on Rough Draft; Using all of the earlier documents you have created,
                        develop a rough draft of your digital marketing and social media plan and a 
                        mock up of your presentation.   The earlier work helped you develop "the 
                        bones" for your plan; now it's time to develop the "muscle and connective 
                        tissue."  Draft of paper must be 4 Full - 6 Full pages; draft of presentation 
                        must be 8+ slides

                          HOMEWORK (Due 4/17):
  •                Revise Social Media Campaign 

W 4/17          Work on Draft

                           HOMEWORK (Due 4/22):
  •               Submit first full official draft (essay and presentation) to ulearn
  •              Upload Essay to Tutor.com  (Each Group Member)
  •              Each Group Member Completes Their Own Tutuor.com Report and Revision
                       Plan; Due Next Class


Week 15
M 4/22       PEER REVIEW DAY (Deliver presentation to other group)

                       HOMEWORK (Due 4/29):
  •              Final Draft of Group Project (Social Media Campaign) Due; upload essay to 
                       ulearn; one copy per group; everyone's name on document; upload one copy
                       to ulearn
  •             Complete Individual Reflection and Grade Group Members
  •             Presentations Delivered Next Class

Week 16
                        Final Draft of Group Project Due with individual reflection (written essay
                        and presentation); submit one copy of social media campaign for group; each
                        student completes their own  individual reflection and grades group 
                        members in reflection