ENG 1020  Composition
Tentative Course Schedule
Fall 2024
TR 11:00-12:15 GWC 407
TR 5:00-6:15 GWC 407

Week 1    Week 2    Week 3    Week 4    Week 5    Week 6    Week 7    Week 8

Week 9    Week 10    Week 11    Week 12    Week 13    Week 14    Week 15    Week 16

NOTE:  This schedule may change as needed.  Your presence in class ensures correct assignments

Week 1
T 8/27           Intro to Course; Begin thinking about topic for Essay 1; Negative Writing 
                         Experiences (FW); Discuss; What is a mindful writer?

                          HOMEWORK (Due 8/29):  

R 8/29​            The Rhetorical Situation; The Writing Process; Purpose and Audience;
                          Purpose and Audience Exercise (FW and Group Work):  Your Weekend

                         HOMEWORK (Due W 9/3):
                         Sanders conveys about his grandfather? What kind of man does Sanders 
                         portray him to be and how do you know this (use quotes from the piece 
                        to support your argument)?How does the author offer readers a peek into 
                        ODG's heart and mind? 

Week 2
T 9/3             Discuss Sanders Essay; FW: Most Effective Description or piece of dialogue

                        HOMEWORK (Due 9/5):   
​                         conveys about her friend, Kitty? How does the author offer readers a 
                        peek into Kitty's heart and mind? Point to specific examples/quotes from
                        the text.
                        (between  9/13 and 9/19)

 R 9/5             Discuss Essay 1; Quiz and Discuss Macenulty text; Do FW; Group
                         Exercise; Writing Interview Questions

                          HOMEWORK (Due 9/10):

Week 3
T 9/10             Work with mindful buddies; which questions are open-ended and effective? 
                          Which need to be rewritten or replaced? How can these improve?

                           HOMEWORK (Due 9/12):
                           Notes; min. 3  pages; submit to week 3 folder; Transcript = word for word
                           what was said

R 9/12              Practicing the Interview (w/ Prof. Harmon); FW (end of class): What went
                           well? What could you have done better? What will you do differently in 
                           your own interview?

                           HOMEWORK (Due 9/17):

Week 4
T 9/17              Interview Transcript due; Invention Work and Organizing Ideas (Submitted
                           at End of Class)

                           HOMEWORK (Due 9/19):

                         First Draft of Essay 1; Upload to Ulearn AND Submit to Smarthinking; 
                         Draft must meet all minimum requirements

R 9/19              First Version of Essay 1 Due;Why Critique? Critique Process; 

                          HOMEWORK (Due 9/24): 
​                           Ulearn AS ONE MS WORD FILE
​                           feedback/report and your revision plan as ONE MS Word file to Ulearn in 
​                          the Week 5 folder

Week 5
T 9/24            CONFERENCES; Peer Critique

                          HOMEWORK (Due 10/2):

R  9/26            CONFERENCES

                          HOMEWORK (Due 10/1):

Week 6
T 10/1              Final Draft of Essay 1 Due with Reflection;
                           Intro to Investigating & Explaining;  Academic Research Paper;
                           Discuss purpose of assignment and begin exploration phase 
                           of project. Listen to a podcast; Discuss Importance of Curiosity
                           and How to Develop a Research Question and Why; How can I
                           Find a Possible Academic Topic? Do Blog Post in Class

                          HOMEWORK (Due 10/3):                                                  

                         our topic of mindfulness or self-awareness; you must be able to explain the 
                         connection; Develop 3 Research Questions and post them to ulearn before 
                         our Zoom meeting on Thursday; These are one-sentence each and posted as
                         questions only
                         You should choose a podcast from 10% Happier or Mayim Bialik's 
                        Breakdown that is connected to self-awareness (understanding the self) or
                        mindfulness (only)that you'd like to learn more about and know the answer
                        to in more detail.

                          How should I use my research question to develop a tentative thesis and an 
                          Intro to Annotated Bibliography;  See example annotated
                          bibliography;  Discuss Introducing Sources, Signal Phrases, & 
                         Databases (Explore); 

                          HOMEWORK (Due 10/8):
                          Mobility towards a Sustainable Future" by Garrett Hartley
                          response  to Ulearn : 
                          What is the thesis of this essay? Identify  the specific sentence. 
                          Does the author correctly  introduce sources, use author tags
                          and qualifiers? Does the author fully develop her ideas and
                          provide good examples? Were there places you wanted more
                          information?  Was this author credible to you? Why
                          or why not?

Week 7
T 10/8            Research Topic Proposals Due; Basics of Library Research; Gather
                         Research in Class; Bring Laptop

                          HOMEWORK (Due 10/10):    

R 10/10           CLASS MEETS AT LIBRARY COMPUTER LAB; Library Instruction; 
                          Time to Gather Research for Annotated Bibliography

                          HOMEWORK (Due 10/15):   
                          both videos combined.

Week 8
T 10/15            Annotated Bibliography, First Three Citations Due; Creating an Outline; 
                           Review MLA (sample paragraph)

                           HOMEWORK (Due 10/17):  

R 10/17           Annotated Bibliography Due, Final 4 Annotations; Develop Thesis and 
                          Supporting Reasons; Discuss Outline by developing outline for incoming 
                          freshman (group exercise to practice outlining)

                          HOMEWORK (Due 10/22):  
                          outline due for your group (minimum one single-spaced page); upload to 
                          ulearn before class.

Week 9
​T 10/22          Outline of Group Exercise due; Review Group Exercise in Class; Each Group
                         Presents and Explains Their Choices; FW:  Takeaways from Exercise

                          HOMEWORK (Due 10/24):   
                          using format provided in class only); Upload to Ulearn

R 10/24           Outline for Academic Research Project due (min. 3 single-spaced pages)
                           Workday for Research Paper

                          HOMEWORK (Due 10/29):   

​Week 10               
T 10/29         First Two Pages of Academic Research Paper Due; CONFERENCES

                         HOMEWORK (Due 10/31):  

R 10/31           First FULL Draft of Academic Research Project Due; Exchange Papers
                          for Critique; Why do we Critique? CONFERENCES

                           HOMEWORK (Due 11/5):  
                          BOTH PARTS to ​ Ulearn AS ONE MS WORD FILE
​                          ​ feedback/report and your revision plan (one page freewrite) as ONE MS 
                         Word file to Ulearn in the Week 11 folder

Week 11  
T 11/5              Peer Critique; CONFERENCES

                          HOMEWORK (Due 11/7):  

R 11/7             Review Strategies for Understanding Visuals; Analyze Image; Blog Post; 
                         Meet Group for Group Project and Create Shared Google Docs (invention 
                         work, claim and subclaims, group project draft); 

                          HOMEWORK (Due 11/12): 

Week 12
T 11/12            Strategies for Understanding Visuals; practice analysis and FW (Trust Test)

                          HOMEWORK (Due 11/14): 

R 11/14         Final Draft of Academic Research Paper due with Reflection
                       Analyzing Visuals; Portrait of Self and FW

                         HOMEWORK (Due 11/19):

Week 13
T 11/19          Choose Topic for  Visual Analysis in Groups and Complete Invention Work in
                        Class (as much as possible in class together)

                           HOMEWORK (Due 11/21):

R 11/21           Work Day for Group Project; Complete claim and subclaims for group 
                          project in class today; make sure portfolio pages visible to visitors

                           HOMEWORK (Due 12/4):
                          First full draft of Visual Analysis Due; one copy per group; everyone's
                          name on document; upload one copy to ulearn
                          Each group member uploads a copy of paper to Tutor.com

Week 14
T 11/26          First Draft,Visual Analysis Due; Exchange for Critique; portfolio pages 
                        visible to visitors?

                        HOMEWORK (Due 12/6):
                       ​ feedback/report and your revision plan as ONE MS Word file to Ulearn in 
​                       the Week 15  folder


Week 15
T 12/3           Share Peer Critiques; Workday for Group Project

                         HOMEWORK (Due 12/11):
                        Course Portfolio Due; add content to pages and make sure visible to visitors
                        Submit ONE copy of final draft of Visual Analysis for Group; all group 
                        member names on document
                        Each group member completes their own individual, separate reflection per
                        instructions in class; 2 pages

R 12/5            NO CLASS, READING DAY

Week 16
R 12/12        Portfolio Due; Final Draft of Visual Analysis Due with Reflection (2 pages per 
                       instructions in class); 11AM CLASS Due by 12:30PM; 5PM CLASS DUE BY 